Department of Media and Communication

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Wallner Cornelia

Dr. Cornelia Wallner


Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Institut für Kommunikationswissenschaft und Medienforschung
Oettingenstr. 67
80538 München

Room: A108
Phone: +49 89 2180-9400
Fax: +49 89 2180-9413

Website: Research Unit: Hanitzsch

Office hours:
by appointment

Further Information

Cornelia holds a Master's degree in journalism and communication science in combination with economics and political science (1999-2003) and a diploma in sociology (2001-2004) from the University of Vienna. She received her doctorate from the University of Vienna with a thesis on "Interdisciplinary Media Market Analysis" in 2007.
From 2005 to 2009 Cornelia worked as a Pre-doc with Prof. Hannes Haas at the Vienna Institute for Journalism and Communication Studies. From 2009 to 2010, she was Researcher and Workpackage-Leader for the EU-FP7-Project "LivingKnowledge" at the Institute for Social Research and Analysis SORA, Vienna.
In 2010 she was awarded a Post-Doctoral Fellowship at the chair of Prof. Nico Stehr, FRSC, at Zeppelin University in Friedrichshafen. Afterwards she worked on several third-party funded projects with Prof. Nico Stehr at Zeppelin University, also in cooperation with industrial companies. Additionally, Cornelia worked as Lecturer at the European Peace University, Austria (2009-2011).

2013 to 2015 Co-Applicant and collaborator in the DFG project "The influence of media coverage and environmental conditions on the perception and evaluation of impersonal risks by the example of the chestnut leaf miner“.
2014 to 2017 Member of the DFG Network "Values and Norms as Research Objects and Guiding Principles in Communication Studies. An integrative research approach".
From 2016 to 2018 Research Project Lead for an international Delphi Study on Media Literacy in a large-scale Project MEDLIT, Media Literacy for Social Change (EU-Erasmus+ Project), a collaboration of nine universities. Website

Cornelia is a Post-doc (Akademische Rätin auf Zeit) at IfKW since November 2010. Until 2021 she was associated at the chair of Prof. Wolfram Peiser; since fall 2022 she is at the chair of Prof. Thomas Hanitzsch.
