Department of Media and Communication

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Rebecca Kammerer, M.A.


LB Reinemann


Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Institut für Kommunikationswissenschaft und Medienforschung
Oettingenstr. 67
80538 München

Room: AU116
Phone: +49(89)2180-

Further Information

2016 to 2020 Studied sociology with a minor in law at the University of Konstanz. 2020 to 2023 Master's degree in "Social Sciences: Conflicts in Politics and Society" at the University of Augsburg. Thesis on "Intrarole conflicts and identity construction of prison doctors". During her studies, research assistant at the Institute of Criminology in Tübingen and working student at a press and public relations agency in Munich. Since December 2023 research assistant at the chair of Prof. Dr. Reinemann. In addition, under the direction of PD Dr. habil. Claudia Riesmayer, employee in the project "The physician-patient relationship in the adoption and everyday life integration process of digital media for chronic disease self-management" of the DFG research group "Digital Media in Chronic Disease Self-Management (DISELMA)".

Resarch Focus: Health communication, sociology of (prison) medicine, roles (conflicts).