Department of Media and Communication

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Dates & Deadlines

Semester periodsWelcome Event for Exchange Students at the DepartmentExamination types and date

Semester periods

  • Winter semester: 1st October - 31st March
  • Summer semester: 1st April - 30 September

Winter semesters usually start mid-October, summer semesters begin mid-April (exact dates for each year can be found in the academic calendar); most courses start in those weeks. Where and when the courses take place can be checked in the online course catalogue, LSF.

Welcome Event for Exchange Students at the Department

In the week prior to the beginning of the semester there will be a Welcome Day at IfKW. On this occasion, you will also meet all the exchange students at IfKW that already have been in Germany for one semester.
We’ll let you know about the date of the welcome day some weeks in advance.

Examination types and dates

  • Seminars (Seminare) and tutorials (Übungen): presentations are held during the course period, as are written tasks (Übungsaufgaben), while papers (Hausarbeiten) are normally submitted during the semester break.
  • Lectures (Vorlesungen): end-of-term exams taking place at the end of the lecture period.

You will be informed about the exact dates and deadlines in the first course which is mandatory to attend.
