Department of Media and Communication

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Background and Objectives

Tech Against Terrorism Europe (TATE) is funded by the European Commission. TATE deals with the European regulations on terrorist online content (TCO) that came into effect in 2022. According to the regulations, hosting service providers must now actively take measures to remove terrorist content from their platforms. This also applies to providers of hosting services that store information when it is provided by a user in the EU or upon their request. Hosting service providers include social media, video, image, and audio sharing services. The providers have one hour to remove content once they receive a removal order by the competent national authority.

The LMU, in form of the team around Prof. Diana Rieger with Heidi Schulze, Brigitte Naderer and Sophia Rothut, is part of a consortium that aims to raise awareness of the EU regulation on terrorist online content (TCO) within the framework of Tech Against Terrorism Europe (TATE). The initiative aims to help smaller tech companies meet the requirements to combat the spread of terrorist content on their platforms.

Description of the Subproject

LMU‘s subproject is based on pedagogical as well as extremism-, terrorism-, and radicalization-specific expertise. LMU leads the subproject in which awareness is to be raised for the regulations and the implementation of these is to be promoted. To pursue this, close collaboration with other project partners is carried out to develop learning materials (interactive guide, static guide) and an interactive online course on the TCO regulations, which combines multimedia elements. These materials are aimed at tech companies, hosting service providers, and IT professionals as the target audience. In addition, the developed materials are to be evaluated using qualitative and quantitative studies to determine the success of the desired learning objectives and to continuously make adjustments for improvement in line with the needs of the addressed target groups.